About Us
The Iowa City U.S. Tae Kwon Do Academy was established by Master
Chol Choe. Master Choe is a former Korean Military Instructor,
and three time Korean National Champion. Master Choe came to the U.S.
in the eighties and began teaching Tae Kwon Do in Iowa City. In 1984-1985
Master Choe taught at the National Guard Armory, and then moved to South
Gilbert Street. Finally, in 1987 Master Choe moved the Academy to the
current location. Master Choe taught in Iowa City and the surrounding
area for over 16 years.
Chief Instructor Mr. Hamza Sharif Omar 5th
Degree Black Belt, 5 time Grand Champion, and 3 time Iowa State TKD Champion.
2000 AAU Regional Champion, 2000 AAU National Tournament Bronze Medalist,
1998 U.S.T.U. TKD Championship Silver Medalist, 1998 U.S. Metro Open TKD
Championship Grand Champion, 2000 Iowa Cruiser Weight Kick Boxing Champion,
and Senior Student of Master Chol Choe 7th Degree Black Belt. Mr. Omar
first earned his Black Belt in New York, and then trained with Master
Choe for 13 years. Mr. Omar has a BA Degree in Asian Languages from the
University of Iowa, and also studied Tae Kwon Do in Korea. Instructor
Omar is certified by the World Tae Kwon Do Federation, and has over 20
years of experience in Martial Arts.
Black Belts and Assistant Instructors
- Mr. Doug Riecks 3rd Degree Black Belt
Assistant Instructor
- Mr. Lance Love 3rd Degree Black Belt
Assistant Instructor
- Mr. Dan Wickenkamp 2nd Degree Black Belt
- Mr. Mark Irvin 2nd Dan Cedar Rapids IA.
Black Belt Instructor
- Mr. Mark Scaffinger 1st Degree Black
Belt Iowa City
- Ms. Corine Erly 2nd Degree Black Belt
Fairfield Iowa Instructor
- Mr. KhamLa Thammavongsa 1st Degree Black
Belt and Assistant Kick Boxing Instructor