The Philosophy of Tae Kwon
Tae Kwon Do philosophy is a combination of Buddhist tenets, Taoist ideals
and Confucian ethics. When the Hwa Rang warriors were organized 1350 years
ago a Buddhist monk named Won Kang Bup Sa was responsible for fusing Buddhist
ethical principles with the Martial Arts. The Hwa Rang Warriors required
moral and ethical tenets to maintain a balance with the awesome fighting
skills they learned.
Student Creed
- To build confidence through knowledge in the mind, honesty in the
heart, and strength in the body
- To keep friendship with one another and to build a strong and happy
- Never achieve selfish ends but to develop might for right
Student Pledge
- To train both mind and body through Tae Kwon DO
- To be a courageous opponent against untruth
- To promote friendly relations among all
- To be loyal to my school and Instructors
- To obey the rules of the TKD school and the Tae Kwon Do Instructors
Student Oath
- I shall observe the principles (tenets) of
Tae Kwon Do
- I shall respect the Instructor and all senior ranks
- I shall never misuse Tae Kwon Do
- I shall be a champion of freedom and justice
- I shall build a more peaceful world
Ethical Rules of Tae
Kwon Do
- Loyalty to family, friends, and one's
- Obedience to parents, teachers and elders
- Humanity: Civilized behavior, empathy
for others and good faith among friends
- Courage: Never show fear or hesitate
to thwart an aggressor if necessary. The Tae Kwon Do practitioner should
always strive to find non violent solutions to resolve conflicts, but
must always be prepared to defend.
- Justice: Tae Kwon Do should only be used
to preserve one's life or defend the weak. Never misuse your skill or
fight for the wrong reasons, have a sense of fairness and justice.