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The Meaning of the World Tae Kwon Do Federation(WTF)
Forms (Hyung/Poomse)

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Tae Guk (World Tae Kwon Do Federation) Forms & Meaning of the Korean Flag

" Tae" means largeness and "Guk" means eternity. Tae Guk represents the East Asian theory of universal creation. The theory states that the universe at one time had no form, no beginning and no end. Energy known as Ki caused the creation of the Earth, Sun, female, male and etc. According to this theory females have qualities of the Earth, and males have the qualities of the Sun. Tae Guk is also represented on the Korean national flag. The upper section (red) represents the Yang, and the lower (blue) represents the Um. The two opposites express dualism of the cosmos: fire and water, day and night, dark and light, construction and destruction etc.

Tae-Guk represents balance and harmony, for example kindness and cruelty may be taken into consideration. If parents are overly kind to a child, they may spoil and weaken the child, if they are too lenient the child may not learn respect and responsibility. Thus, without moderation and discipline excessive kindness could result in a child becoming an irresponsible and corrupt adult. Discipline and affection must be balanced when teaching and raising children; all things in life must be balanced to attain harmony. The three unbroken lines stand for heaven; the opposite three broken lines represent earth. At the lower left hand of the flag are two lines with two smaller broken lines between them which symbolize fire, and the opposite (upper right) is the symbol for water.
There are eight "Gwe" Keon, Tae, Ri, Jin, Seon, Gam, Gan and Gon. Each "Gwe" represents an element heaven, earth, fire, water, thunder, wind and wood. Tae Guk and Palgwe forms represent the eight cardinal and inter-cardinal directions of North, South, East, West North East and etc.

Tae Guk 1 IL Chang, Keon Heaven, 20 movements
Tae Guk 2 Yi Chang, Tae which represents strength of mind, 23 movements.
Tae Guk 3 Sam Chang, Ri fire (sun), 34 movements
Tae Guk 4 Sa Chang, Jin Thunder, 32 movements
Tae Guk 5, Oh Chang, Seon Wind (represents strength & flexibility), 32 movements
Tae Guk 6, Yuk Chang, Gam Water (fluidity & power), 31 movements
Tae Guk 7, Chil Chang Gan Mountains (tranquility & sturdiness), 33 movements
Tae Guk 8, Bal Chang, Gon, Earth (power & firmness), 38 movements